Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gilbert has been discharged.. But he still has a swollen ankle. Anyways, went over after culi on Friday and he decided to have a steamboat with his friends to finish up all the food that his family bought for reunion dinner. Called Jas over cos she didn't have any where to go.

It was just nice for like 14 people can! With left overs. Can't imagine how much they had for 4 persons.

Played a bit of mahjong, which was won mostly by Jasmine and Louis. :(

Than it was my first lo hei of the year! It was the most fun lo hei ever too! Everyone was trying to dump something on each other's hand. Baoming's chop stick even broke and jun he got sesame seed on his face.

Than it was smack jack time which was damn funny cos there were like 10 of us sprawled on the floor and squeezing with each other trying to see the cards. Benjamin was the first casualty. His finger was bleeding quite badly.

And i was Gilbert's personal maid for the past few days. :( Stupid boy.

Going to sleep now. Damn tired. Ciao.

9:46 PM

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Today's such a bad day. It's not bad as in depressing...... Well, kindda.

First i wanted to deposit my Ang Bao money into my account. But after queuing for 20 mins, i realized the machine doesn't accept $2 and $5 notes. And i had $80 worth of $2 notes. Haha.

That made me damn late for school.

Than i rushed down to Shaw Lido to buy movie tickets and all.. On the way there, Gilbert called me saying that he was at the hospital cos he sprain his OTHER ankle while running to fall in in the morning. I was so engrossed in talking to him that i missed my stop. -.-

Than when i got to Harbourfront, there were so SO MANY PEOPLE i had to take the bus into school. When the bus reached my stop, i nearly sat on this Bangala's lap cos he refused to move to let me out. I nearly fainted.

Than obviously i was late for school.

Than halfway into tutorial, Gilbert's dad called me saying that Gilbert has to be hospitalized. I nearly dropped my phone.

So after class, i rushed down to see him. What happened was the doc gave him a jab for the pain. And soon his face was all swollen and he felt dizzy and drowsy. Allergic reaction. The doc was so scared that he wanted Gilbert to be admitted. They even gave him the pure oxygen to breathe through cos in allergic reactions, the wind pipes constricts..

I swear the feeling was so horrible. Of not knowing what was going on. Of waiting. Of seeing him so weak and vulnerable. Of being chased away after visiting hours. Of him lying there hungry and they had no more dinner to serve!

The hospital's rather cui man.


I wish i was there to sayang him to sleep.

11:45 PM

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Hi, its CNY Eve and i am sitting here ready to start on my Reflection Paper. Awesome!

BTW, Buibui's very cute today. He keeps covering himself with sawdust. :D

11:48 AM

Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's been really, really, really, REALLY long since i last blogged. About a month or so i think..?

Well, here's a quick one. Haha.


Seriously. No hiccups, no trouble, everyone did their work and all. We all had fun and went mad together. And yes, its is a good thing. :) It was for our festive and events management project presentation. We braided our hair and did a poster for it.



Decided to name it Buibui cos i want it to be fat fat. Hahaha. I wanted to have a girl, but the pet shop said the whole litter are boys. :( and i bought a pink cage.

His favorite yummies are shrimps and the chocolate coated rasin. My Bertshit said that he grew quite fast! Haha.. And fat. :( and he scolded me for giving him too much food. Well, I got Esther's ball and i let my Buibui run in it everyday to exercise!

I've finished most of my projects. HOWEVER, i have a reflection paper due on the Friday of CNY. I cant have any holidays PROJECT FREE! *angry* I was chionging project during Xmas and New Years. & now CNY too! Sucks!!

By the way, i had my TTB test yesterday. I only studied in the morning and guess what? I got 34/50 for my test. Not bad hor? Haha. Ok, i gotta go now, i have culi test tomorrow! :(

9:10 PM

CHIJ Kellock
Temasek Poly [HTM]

Beautifully Tragic.
With a natural grace and beauty.
Let her world unfold
as the flowers of the morn,
As leaves turn,
And hearts are torn.
Pain trapped in a single tear
Beauty fades as the passing year

Try me.
I'm yours.

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