I MISS THE BEEF!!!!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT! its so damn good! :(
anyways, yesterday at nic's place was a blast.. there was turkey, beef, shepherd's pie, lasagna, ham! yum! it was totally carnivorous!
first, in the morning went to airport to send Qi off only to realise that Hafidz and i were the only ones. but nvm, so since i was feeling so sleepy, i went over to Tam and had breakfast with Gilbert. poor boy had to wake up so early. but hey! he get to eat Macs! :D than went shopping for a bit at Toys R Us and than we went back to his place where i took a 3 hour long nap while he played with his game.
oh, i played with my tamagochi a lot and he threatened to use a pen and poke the reset button. :( so bad right?
"my girlfriend is in tamatown and doesn't care about me anymore."
ok than, anyways we showered and than went down to bedok to collect his friend's car. it was drizzling that idiot sky. oh, we got lost like a few times. but it doesn't matter!

you kept your promise!
than we got there quite late.. =x but i was super hungry. waited for a bit for toi and jo than the FOODDDDDDDDDDDD!

i swear, it was the best xmas with the clique ever! :D

than we watched deck the halls for a bit before some people had to leave. finished the movie and it was ninny, sheila, nic, Gilbert and i. the 4 of us talked about SJC for a bit while he slept before mr smarty pants woke up and started telling ghost stories. -.- than it was my turn to fall asleep. i was quite tired, but i wanted to not hear those also. Gilbert was being very sweet as he tried to cover my ears so that i wouldn't hear it. but miss sheila loh, talks really loudly. SOOOOOOOOOOOO..
but i did fall asleep in the end and he just talked about those creepy stuff with them. -.-
you know, as i grow older, the more scared i become. stupid scaredy cat. :(
here are the
1:41 PM
"you know, when i can't do something or i am scared, i think of you?"
"like what?"
"like when i am jogging?"
1:37 PM
so so so.. its the holidays now ain't it. i don't know why, but i really looked forward this year. not the Christmas day itself, but all the festive feel that it brings and not forgetting the fun! :D
soooo, it first starts with Gilbert's side where we all went to trevor's place for dinner. just imagine, about 6 or more sweaty guys in a kitchen peeling potatoes and carrots and stuffing turkey.

and me, being the only girl for that few hours, i just sat in the living room eating fries and watching HBO. i could really get used to it. haha.. the food is really over kill. we couldn't finish the turkey and mr smarty pants aka gilbert lim wanted to get 2!! oh! how could we ever forget the booze that gilbert banned me from. :( when we wanted to do a toast, he passed me a cup and said, "this is yours". and took the one i'm holding. and yes, no booze. :(

than jasmine came over, invited by someone of cos, but shall not go into details,
*cough* "come la! okok, I INVITE YOU OK?!" *cough* and than we had obviously more fun. but while waiting for us to pick her up, she was approached by 2 ah bengs which really freaked her out. :(
and i taught some of the boys to play smack jack.. which was really fun cos i totally owned them. HAHA! i think? ok, whatever. and the forfeit was to finish the baked fish which no one touched. and they were quite.... funny. HAHA. end up, 2 of them went to heat it up and ate it up. -.- it tasted not bad.

the pics are
thannnnnnnnnnnnnnn! Christmas Eve!!! went to town to finish some last minute shopping with gilbert.. when we reached at paragon, gilbert said, "can you wait outside Toys 'R' Us for me? i want to get your present." so i said fine. so i obetiently sat outside and 5 mins later he came out...... empty handed. -.- he said the queue was too long. soooooo i said, fine. and than he said he needed to pang sai. -.- -.- -.- -.-
yes. so ok, fine again. than after he came back, he realised that the queue was shorter and he went in to get it. AND IT WAS A TAMAGOCHI! i've been wanting that for several months now!!!!! and i finally have it!!! weeeeee! i rmb last time back in pri sch, my tution teacher would lend me her tamagochi to play with.. HAHA. so fun.
and than after that, we went back to my place where my parent's friends came over.. and yeah, it was more food though it was quite boring cos my friends didnt come over and all. but it was alrights. my mom got me a friggin mini cooper remote control toy car cannnn!!! HAHA. i feel like such a kid! its like, my very fist RC Carrrr!!!! i never owned one before! i mean, since my house are all girls and my dad's too old for it. weeeeeeeeeee. new toys to play with. feel like i'm 8! not 18!
my mom got my dad a RC helicopter.
oh, and gilbert wanted to snatch my RC mini with me can! and he was such a kid, going "guess what's inside!" and "let me open it for you! *snatch*" HAHAHAH! OK LA, love!
oh, CONGRATS SWEETHEART ON PASSING YOUR DRIVING! HAHA! i better be the first person you fetch or i swear i will kill you.
now, the next one is tomorrow!! cannot wait! Xmas with the clique. :D:D:D:D:D:D
9:19 PM
Found this on friendster. some of it is rather corny, but the rest is the unspoken truth.
45 things a girl wants but wont ask for! Message: 45 Things a GIRL WANTS but wont ask
for.. for those in relationship or maybe all gals.. lol
1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her.
3. Share secrets with her.
4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.
Are you remembering this?
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hang out with her and your friends together.
11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
15. When her friends say i love her more than you, deny it fight back and hug her ight so she can't get to her friends it makes her feel loved.
Are you thinking of someone?
16. Always hug her and say I love you whenever you see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
19. Tell her she's beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.
One last thing you need to do to show her you actually do mean it.
21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car - it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.
22 . Tell her she's your everything - only if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her - if she denies something wrong,it means SHE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT - so just hug her.
24. Make her feel loved.
25. kiss her in front of OTHER girls you know !!
26. DON'T LIE to HER.
27. DON'T CHEAT on her.
28. take her ANYWHERE she wants
29. text message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at work {or school}, and how much you MISS her.
30. be there for her when ever she needs you, & even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can ALWAYS count on you.
31. Hold her close when she's cold so she can hold YOU too.
32. When you are ALONE hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the CHEEK; (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).
34 . While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will automaticall y put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her LIGHTLY.
35. Dont EVER tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you're mad. If shes upset, comfort her.
36. When people DISS her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep into her EYES and tell her you love her.
38. Lay down under the STARS and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, Link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you .
39. When walking next to each other grab her HAND.
40. When you hug her HOLD her in your arms as long as possible.
41. Call or text her at night to wish her SWEET DREAMS.
42. COMFORT her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for LONG walks at night.
44. ALWAYS Remind her how much you love her.
45. sit on top of her and tell her how much u love her and then bend down to her face and kiss her while sitting on her.
you will never know when she needs just a little more love..
Another one: when she says "No", she may actually mean "Yes".
8:53 PM
why do you always have so ruin my mood? why are you so good at it?
8:44 PM
heehee. mambo on wed was really really fun. like how it always is! just that i think they played nicer songs last week compared to this week. and and there was more company which was also a good thing.
than Miss JGW (jasmine gone wild) took a picture with the ultimate mambo king (who was on the podium). and than, he started dancing and pointing towards her.. if she stood there dancing towards him anylonger, i got a very strong feeling he'd follow her home. haha!

but too bad! we had to pay for cover! cos it was the eve of public holiday! there was really a lot of people that day! and one classic scene was this pretty large girl dancing against nichols and you should really see his face! scared and super classic! than he typed a "HELP!" on his phone..
than.. so happened i was directly behind the girl. trying to push her back.. she bumped me away! and i flew like 3 steps away before crashing into other people. zzz. she has lots of energy!

and and! there was this uncle.. like quite old.. maybe about late 50s? or older? i dont know! he was like dancing on the podium! thats like so cool! i wonder when i'm 50 i'd be like still dancing to mambo or not! HAHAHAHHA!

and and and! this guy proposed to his girlfriend on the podium! like so sweet la! the whole club started cheering!!
had lots and lots of fun! die la, addicted already..

the pics are
8:14 PM
ok, this week (so far) has been pretty.. tough.. but also quite fun.
let me explain.
first it was my tests which i think i did ok, but if i had spent more effort studying for it, i think i might have done better. but thank God its over. :D
than there's also cramps which i had on tuesday, just before my second and last paper which really sucked cos i planned to wake up a bit earlier to revise a bit. at first i was sleeping and dreaming and i dreamt that i was in this kitchen waiting for orders, than i had really bad stomach ache and i shitted on the floor. i know, gross. but than there was this sudden sharp pain that woke me up and hey! the pain is real! (not the shit part).
so i thought, ok, great cramps are here again. so i rushed to the toilet wanting to clean up cos usually cramps comes with my period. but when i check, it hasnt came. so i though, maybe i want to lao sai and i ate something wrong the day before. so i sat on the toilet bowl. that was when i started feeling faint and nausea. so i rushed back to my bed where i curled up like a ball and if i had diarrhoea the pain would come and go. but this one was constant. it's always there and i thought i was going to die. it didnt feel like my normal period cramps so i panicked. i called my maid and she came rushing in and she asked if i wanted to put oil. than i was like, no no, get me my pink pills. haha!
ok, not funny.
so i took it and after a while the pain was still there. i couldnt even turn over to lie more comfortably on the bed can. so i called my mom who asked me to get changed while she and my dad came home to fetch me to see a doctor. than i said, i got no strength to change. so she asked my maid to help me change. (sounds pathetic right! really pain to the maxxxxx man!) by the time they came home, the medication has prolly taken effect and the pain subsided. but they insisted that i went to KK for a scan and all. so ok, fine i went there and all. if there wasn't any pain anymore, the doctors there aren't very worried. and the doctor is very nice!! really really like her.
but the hospital rate are very ex ok! like $50 over! *gasp* so my dad was really pissed about it and all. so the nurse asked me to go to a poly clinic to get a referal letter so that it will be a subsidised and all. which i did the next day. and this time. the doctor refused to give me a referal letter to KK. -.- cos she said there was no direct referal there. so oooook, she refered me to go get a scan at Tamp Polyclinic. and the case at KK will be closed. so, the appointment is next year. -.-
anyways, on to happier stuff. jasmine lent me full house to watch. and it has english subtittles. and than i have supernatural and chuck and heroes and grey's anatomy 4 and gossip girl to watch! WEEEEEEEEEE.
oh, and miss jasmine and i went to mambo last night (and with her friend Alex who protected us very well!). it was so so so FUN! i think i might be addicted to mambo know. like all the moves you're supposed to follow. and like they will play familiar songs not like R&B where they always play unknown songs and than you just move to the beat kind. haha. and i had my LONG AWAITED LYCHEE MARTINI!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! it was like the best zouk outing ever! just wished there was more people and i bet it'll be even more fun! besides that, i had like a shot. which was better than expected! not bad ah, my first shot. than a vodka lime and cranberry!
eyer, i really wish nic they all had gone. than it'll reallybe more fun to see them dancing the mambo moves! haahha!
than they played Home, the national day song. -.- but i like it. cos its my favourite national day song! and the whole club was singing it can! :D feel so patriotic suddenly!
yeah, so below are our pics. 

and the rest of the pictures are here.
7:57 PM
you have each other, you won't want me.
11:43 AM
1:38 AM
i hope the fish drowns in the sea. so the ocean will look for whales instead of fishes. :D
4:03 PM
i miss the clique! :(
btw guys, you all wanna go mumbo night on wed? its been long since we've all hung out besides the birthdays. cos my classmates wanna go (and its the 3 of us only) so more the merrier! let me know k?
1:51 PM
[x]Gotten detention.
[x]Gotten your phone taken away
[ ]Gotten suspended.
[ ]Gotten caught chewing gum.
Total: 2
[x] been late to a class more than 10 times.
[x] Didn't do homework over 5 times.
[x] turned at least 3 projects in late.
[x] Missed school cause you felt like it.
[x] Laughed so hard you got kicked out of class.
Total: 5
[x] Got your mom/dad etc. to get you out of school.
[x] Text people during class.
[x] Passed notes.
[x] Threw stuff across the room
[x] Laughed at the teacher
Total: 5
[ ] Pulled down the fire alarm.
[x]Went on myspace, friendster, xanga, etc. on the computer at school.
[x] Took pictures during school hours.
[x] Called someone during school hours.
[x] Listened to an ipod/cd player/mp3 during class.
Total: 4
[x] Threw something at the teacher.
[x] Went outside the classroom without permission.
[x] Broke the dress code.
[x] Failed a class test.
[x] Ate food during class.
Total: 4
[x] Gotten a call home
[ ] Couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved badly
[x] Didn't take your stuff to school
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go
[x] Stuck your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking
[x] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear
Total: 4
[x] slept in class
[x] cursed at a teacher behind their back
[x] Copied homework
[x] Felt hungry during class and left to eat
Total: 4
Times your total by 3 repost as "i screwed up xx% of my secs school life.
10:02 PM
today's a good day i think? (damn, i always type this. cos i only blog when its a good day and i don't have projects to ruch) i spent it helping people rid their thumb drives of viruses and than retrieving their hidden data before they get even more hysterical. seriously.
than my sociology test was not bad and i got a B for my mosiac. its the most i could ask for. at least i didnt fail it. and i handed in 2 of my projects, and finished another 1 which is due tomorrow. and there's lesser paper getting jammed in the printer when i was printing my work.
and than there was this whole free starbucks thing. i think they trying to copy Ben and Jerry's with their B&J's day or something where they give out free ice cream. but during the period 5pm to 7pm they gave out free starbucks of your choice. so, i met gilbert at TM and i had a caramel frap and he had Java Chips Frap. and after walking around a bit, we went to suntec wanting to catch a movie cos bao ming gave him free tix for his bday. but there was no available slot.
before that, when we arrived at suntec, gilbert somehow managed to psycho me to go queue for another cup of starbucks. zzzzzzzzz. he got the peppermint mocha thingy and i got a mango passion fruit frap (i think) and it was some fruit juice ice blended which is damn good. enough caffine for the day.

and than earlier today, i met my friend who let me used his DSLR during the ilive AIDS awareness roadshow and he copied some pics that he/i took of my friends and i into my thumbdrive. I WANT A DSLR MAN! zzz! its so addictive!

11:44 PM

11:10 PM